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January 10th 2025 | ||||
Project! A.i.J.i. & The BoTs
Music :![]() Today I posted “Wrath of the Squirrels” a song I wrote and put together with A.I. music. AI!? WHAT!? Yep, AI has gotten crazy, and it's not going anywhere. So with this in mind, MUSIC!!!! I generally don't have a ton of time to record music, though I still write out songs when I can. The problem I've always had with making music is getting a full band together. Someone was always working, not in the mood, sold their instruments for rent and so on. If you've ever tried to make music with people, scheduling is a nightmare, and as folks get older, it gets worse. However I continued to write and play and record over the years, churning out a total of 8 albums of angsty solo acoustic music. Unfortunately, it never had that full band feel that I always wanted. So decades went by and I tell you honestly, I was just about to toss all my lyrics to everything in the public domain because I've been so frustrated not being able to do anything with them, merely because of that human factor. AI, whether you like it or not, came along and was like “Bro! I got you!”. So finally, after decades, I can be unhindered by needing an actual band who can never meet to play for an hour a week. So moving forward, I've, of course, set rules for myself: 1: I have to write the lyrics. Yeah, one can use AI to generate lyrics that are adequate, but they wont mean anything to me. If it doesn't mean anything to me, why bother. Then it's just noise. As songs roll out, you'll see what I mean. Look for the song “SPEAK” when it's released. If that doesn't move you in some sort of way, then this project will probably not be for you. 2: I have to LIKE it. For all the songs I've been generating with my lyrics, like 2 percent are to my liking. If I don't enjoy listening to it. I'm not releasing it. 3: Not take things TOO seriously. Again, this is a hobby for me, and is fulfilling a creative avenue I haven't had the opportunity to explore in years. With these tools I can create some fun Squirrel Songs for people, make theme songs for the Twitch stream, and have random goofy songs that are just funny. 4: Persona : I'm all about creating characters, and A.i.J.i. & The BoTs Will be that as well. Why? Because honestly, I generally don't like picking at the scabs emotionally when it comes to music, so having a different voice or character sing those back to me has given me a healthy approach to music again, being able to appreciate the words I've written without getting SO emotionally involved with it. I generally don't listen to my own recorded music, even 20 years later, as it was a fairly dark time in my life that I don't like revisiting. So this format just makes it more validating to me and keeps my emotional involvement at an arms length distance. I can look at all that work that went largely ignored and say, “Well, at least something did something with it.”, and on an emotional level, it's very fulfilling. Again, literally everything I created as far as personal music was destined for trash. At least A.I. can be the band everyone was too lazy or busy to be a part of over the last 20 plus years. So with all that being said, hopefully you'll enjoy what's put out. Going through the archives recently, over the years I've written about 250 songs. Those who kept up with the “Jonathan Ian” albums, you'll recognize some of the songs, but a large portion were a ton of never recorded songs, scribbled ideas I've recently fleshed out, and doing all that definitely activated a part of my brain that's been dormant for a bit. So I've written some new songs that will probably roll out before the older songs. So keep an eye out for those. Also, for those who don't like A.I., again, it's not going anywhere. And it's not like I can hire real musicians anyway. (They're expensive and out of my price range). This is just a side hobby for my own personal musical enjoyment that I decided to share with everyone. Songs will be made available to all tiers of Patreon, but will also be on Bandcamp, Itch & Gumroad for those who want to support this hobby. Or you can just watch on YouTube :) And yes, I'm still making Foamy cartoons. (Always have to say that every time I try something new. Somehow people think I'll just stop working on Foamy any time I deviate from what I normally do for some reason) |
November 22nd 2024 | ||||
Update & Random Life: Decided to update the style of the series once again. Seems to always be a work in progress. This time around I went back to the larger eye design folks are used to as they're more expressive than the little dots I had in previous cartoons. I've also decided to mix up the backgrounds a bit, making them more simplified and similar to the "Island Series" or "Chibi Series". The simpler backgrounds help the character pop out a bit more as they felt like they were getting a bit lost in the previous backgrounds. We'll see how things move forward. At this point, I like to keep things simple and efficient due to IRL stuff. What IRL stuff? Well, the last 6 years, especially 2024, I've been dealing with some health stuff. So it's been a bit of a struggle keeping on top of everything as I tend to have random pains due to being overly dedicated to the series, so I've been going to physical therapy and trying to get myself in a working order. Assuming P.T. helps, I can hopefully get back to a more comfortable work situation. (And yes, new episodes have been posted every other week and will continue to do so.) I'm good like that :) For those who haven't been keeping up, it's definitely been an uphill struggle, be it health, finances, issues with YouTube or other platforms. It never seems to end and though the series keeps getting buried under an ocean of other content, I keep at it, because folks have been continuing to support it! So again, THANK YOU! Thank you for keeping up with the series, or just putting up with my "artsy style changes" every so often. It's greatly appreciated and it's one of the reasons I keep working so hard on all this. SPREAD THE WORD!!!
October 1st 2024 | ||||
Mini Comic (FREE!): Made a new mini comic for all! Featuring Lucretia Darkmoore! Yeah, I haven't had the opportunity to put her in the series yet, and she was kinda pushed to the background for the "Island Series" comic, but hopefully, I'll be able to get some more stories with her out there when I can. Possibly a spin-off comic series. Who knows if I'll have the time. Unfortunately still on the mend from a number of things and sitting in front of a computer 14 hours a day doesn't help, So I'm trying to adjust work-life stuff. Meanwhile... the comic is on GUMROAD : ITCH.IO & Patreon! Thanks to everyone who's been supportin'! Enjoy! ![]() |
September 10th 2024 | ||||
Years of Foamy!!: You're the one's keeping things going! You're the glue that keeps the raft of Foamy afloat in the turbulent waters of sustainability! You are the duct tape holding things together! You too can be duct tape! Support where you can and let's keep this going! If you're already supporting, THANK YOU!!!!!! Spread the word of Foamy! 'Cause sometimes things are around so long, we all just forget they're still there :o J. ![]() |
July 14th 2024 | ||||
Board Game!: "Save Pum'Kin Guy!!!" is now a physical board game on GAMECRAFTERS Enjoy! Also, when the Foamy card game comes out, it will probably be on this site as well. For those who don't know GAMECRAFTERS they're a print-on-demand board game, card game company that does some pretty good work. So rather than get mired down in a whole Kickstarter, I figure it might just be easier to do it this way? Idk. We'll see what happens with the card game when I get to that point. ![]() ![]() |
June 14th 2024 | ||||
Board Game! (FREE!): Board Game!? What!? Yep, during my screen downtime, brain meanderings and getting teeth pulled from my face, I made a printable board game where you have to save Pum'Kin Guy!!! It's on GUMROAD : ITCH.IO & Patreon! Thanks to everyone who's been supportin'! Your help allows odd little things like this to happen! Enjoy! (It includes 3 stages, directions, a mini comic, a mini soundtrack, and some printable game pieces. You need a single 6 sided dice though. Or google "dice roll." and one will come up.) |
May 17th 2024 | ||||
Mini Comic (FREE!): Still having fun with my screen downtime and made another free printable mini comic for everyone! It's on GUMROAD : ITCH.IO & Patreon! Thanks to everyone who's been supportin'! Enjoy! ![]() |
May 4th 2024 | ||||
Mini Comic (FREE!): Been having fun with my screen downtime by making another free printable mini comic for everyone! It's on GUMROAD : ITCH.IO & Patreon! Enjoy! ![]() |
April 19th 2024 | ||||
March 8th 2024 | ||||
Comic!!! : Yeah, it took awhile since I've been laid up, but issue number 2 of the Neurotically Yours "Island Series" comic is now on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! Also available to the $5 and up supporters on Patreon! (Check Patron only Posts). So enjoy, and thank you! (Also, I'll be updating some stuff in the "BiTs" series over the next month, and I kinda have an idea of what I want to do with it. So expect a few changes here and there) |
February 12th 2024 | ||||
Alive! : Yep, it's been a while since I posted here, but I've been running around, trying to get everything done before surgery, had a surgery, and now, as of this post, I'm recovering from the surgery. So, medically moving forward I need to find a balance between working on Foamy stuff and fitting in some sort of physical activity. I've been working on Foamy for over 20 years, at a desk, not moving for 12-14 hours a day. It's not healthy, and before it catches up to me, even more, I REALLY need to do stuff. What does that mean for Foamy? Not much will change, cartoons should roll out as usual, and there may be a few more "Bits" episodes tossed into the mix, or just a handful of shorter episodes from time to time. But that all depends on what NEEDS to be said in a cartoon and where my state of mind is. There's going to be episodes where Foamy rants for 6 minutes, and they'll be just some goofy episodes that are just utter fun nonsense. (Again trying to find a healthy balance.) What about Twitch Streams? I'll be doing them as usual, and would actually like to work more streams into the week, but again, that's sitting or standing at a desk for hours. Not moving. It kinda sucks for me physically. Unfortunately, I don't have a bunch of people I can hand off other work to, nor can I afford to, (Thanks YT), So things will get done, when they get done, but not at the expense of my health. So, moving forward. Cartoons SHOULD be posted as usual, streams as usual, and basically I will TRY to maintain what I've been doing all these years, but there will be days when my body is just going to scream "MOVE!!!", and I'll have to do that. So as usual, everyone THANK YOU! Thank you for supporting during the ups and downs, health scares, manic life stuff and all the assorted IRL junk that tries to derail one's life. I'm still able to do this stuff because people have been gracious, generous and supportive during those ups and downs. Can't say it enough, your support is appreciated and keeps things going when most platforms just don't want it to. :) |
November 3rd 2023 | ||||
8 (Original Series) in HD! : Neurotically Yours, The Original Season 8 is now available in HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! (And as usual, Yes, it includes those episodes that were pulled from YT) Thanks for supporting all this while I remastered everything in HD. Took forever, but it's finally done! (Now on to the reboot series) ![]() |
September 27th 2023 | ||||
URL Update! :
The Twitch channel URL is now Twitch.tv/illwillpress . So update yer stuff! :) ![]() |
September 8th 2023 | ||||
7 (Original Series) in HD & Rant
Collection! : Neurotically Yours, The Original Season 7 is now available in HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! Also the 3rd collection of Foamy rants from the Sketch series is also up! (Free to PATRONS on Patreon! so don't buy it if you're supporting there!) |
August 7th 2023 | ||||
6 (Original Series) in HD! : Neurotically Yours, The Original Season 6 is now available in HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! (And as usual, Yes, it includes those episodes that were pulled from YT) ![]() |
August 2nd 2023 | ||||
Notes on
the 'Bits' Series : For those who have been following for years or days, you may or may not know, I tend to change things up every few years just to keep things interesting for everyone and myself. So Neurotically Yours 'Bits' is just that, another version of the series that's going to be a bit more fun than the usual stuff. It'll have a derpy style similar to the Island Series, and episodes should be shorter but, posted weekly, hopefully, and just be short fun bits or observations. Why? 'Cause it's good to try something new instead of just doing the same thing over and over. (Also I've kinda crippled myself working 14 hour days for 20 years sitting at a desk, so it'll help balance out recovering from decades of physical atrophy) Aside from that, just have fun with it. If you're wondering what's going to happen with the current series, that'll be around as well. So when certain topics/rants need a venue, that's where they'll be. Other than that, back to work! Let's see what happens!
June 19th 2023 | ||||
5 (Original Series) in HD! : Neurotically Yours, The Original Season 5 is now available in HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! (And as usual, Yes, it includes those episodes that were pulled from YT) ![]() |
April 21st 2023 | ||||
4 (Original Series) in HD! : Neurotically Yours, The Original Season 4 is now available in HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! (And as usual, Yes, it includes those episodes that were pulled from YT) ![]() |
March 10th 2023 | ||||
3 (Original Series) in HD! : Neurotically Yours, The Original Season 3 is now available in HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! So enjoy the squirrel goodness once again in HD!!! (Yes, it includes those episodes that were pulled from YT) ![]() |
February 10th 2023 | ||||
2 (Original Series) in HD! : Neurotically Yours, Season 2 is now available in HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO! So enjoy the squirrel goodness once again in HD!!! ![]() |
November 10th 2022 | ||||
1 (Original Series) in HD! : Finally got to post the original series of Neurotically Yours, Season 1 as an HD, digital download on GUMROAD and ITCH.IO, So there ya go! No subtitles yet, but I'm working on it. Other than that, tons of work as usual. ![]() |
October 10th 2022 | ||||
as Usual : Just a random update that stuff is going along as usual. New Foamy episode every 2 weeks, Pum'Kin Guy streams on TWITCH, twice a week, and random Steve streams on TWITCH, or YouTube. Finishing the second comic has been a slow roll as the last quarter of the year tends to be extra busy, but it'll get done when it gets done, as will the card game. So that's about it. Been overworking myself as usual, but having fun doing it :) |
July 26th 2022 | ||||
Update! & Twitch Stuff! : For those who may have missed stuff, I've been experimenting with some Vtuber stuff in the form of a 500 year old vampire named Steve on TWITCH, Why? 'Cause it's something different. Steve is fairly lo-key as far as personality goes, similar to the 4y-Records guy. Somewhat sarcastic in a deadpan sort of way, but generally tries to have a good time. The back story is, he's been asleep for 30 years and his caretaker "Gora" has woken him up so he can touch base with humanity, which she does every 30 years or so. So far he's had a job at a maid cafe, with some other places of employment planned for the future, but it's generally all just a goofy side project to have fun with. For those interested, there's been a bunch of clips in the usual places like, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, & TikTok. I took a break from the Foamy The Squirrel Card Game, but yes, it's still a thing! One of the online shops I use for Foamy stuff, TEESPRING, has changed it's name to SPRING for some reason, but has been integrated into Instagram,& YouTube, so I've been posting some stuff there, that's been available on GUMROAD, ITCH.IO, BANDCAMP, AMAZON & DESIGNBYHUMANS, so hopefully that might be easier for people? No idea. Other than that, it's work as usual. The next issue of Neurotically Yours Island Series has been a slow roll, but it is being worked on. New Foamy episodes are posted as usual on YouTube, so catch up if you've missed stuff. Also picking away at some new music, but nothing worth mentioning quite yet. Foamy podcasts are posted every week and I've been making some "audio comics" from the "island series" comic for folks. The actual Island series has been hit or miss with folks. (Some don't care for the style apparently.) but there's a few more episodes in the works, but chances are I'll just put everything in the comic and keep going with that. Who knows. I'm fickle :) ![]() |
May 12th 2022 | ||||
Card Game!? : For those not keeping up with news on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, & Patreon, I've been working on a Foamy The Squirrel Card Game! Essentially it's a goofy take on Magic The Gathering with some odd mechanics thrown in to make it both a challenging single & multiplayer game. 62 Cards have been created so far and there's some testing and tweaking that needs to be done. But it's coming along. Also will be slowly rolling out the HD Seasons of the original Neurotically Yours series on GUMROAD, ITCH.IO . I'd like to make them available on Amazon & YouTube, but YouTube wont allow certain episodes (even for sale) and Amazon requires subtitles, which I don't have due to the series being mostly improv. So we'll see what happens. Some folks wanted to help out and create subtitles after release, so hopefully that will be a thing at some point. ![]() |
March 10th 2022 | ||||
Comic Book
& Music!!!
Yep, A NEW Foamy comic will finally be released on AMAZON, GUMROAD, and ITCH.IO : on March 11th! ALSO! A new album of electronic music called "Something For Everyone!" will ALSO be released that day! The album will be on :: SPOTIFY :: & the usual streaming & download services, it's also on BANDCAMP, GUMROAD, ITCH.IO and is available to download for Patrons on Patreon, as is the comic for the 5 dollar and up supporters! So enjoy & thanks for supporting! |
January 13th 2022 | ||||
Spread the
Word! A second dark electronic album called "Let's Get Darker" is out now! The album is on :: SPOTIFY :: & the usual streaming services, it's also on BANDCAMP, GUMROAD, ITCH.IO and is available to download for Patrons on Patreon, so enjoy & thanks for supporting! ALSO! If you can, spread the word that Foamy is still around. Seems every passing year we get a bit more lost in the ocean that is the internet. So anything you do DOES help. Make a post, tell a friend, etc. It ALL helps! |
December 1st 2021 | ||||
Elsewhere! & New Music in
January : Since I tend to post news on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, & Patreon, I'll probably slow up posts here as they're fairly redundant. So there ya go. Important stuff will be posted here, but most people just follow on the other platforms. So keep up on the platform of your choice. ALSO! A new album SHOULD be released on :: SPOTIFY :: BANDCAMP, GUMROAD, ITCH.IO on January 13th 2022. (Hopefully) |
October 13th 2021 | ||||
Music! &
The Socials! During the 20 year of Foamy retrospective I WAS going to put together, I dug up a bunch of old doodles & characters from the early days of Foamy! One of those characters was "Lucretia Darkmoore", who was going to be in the original Neurotically Yours series around season 4, but never quite made it in there. So, for the comic book I'm working on, I brought her back to be sort of, Germaine's "Goth Obi-Wan", as Germaine has sort of gone off the rails in recent years. So she may not make it into the animated series, but she's going to be in the comics. With all that being said. that rediscover of the character somehow inspired a whole album of dark electronic music. Which sets the tone for the character fairly well. She's dark. Focused and doesn't take crap from anyone. She swims in the dark waters of her own emotions but doesn't drown in them like Germaine seems to. So, there ya go. The album is on :: SPOTIFY :: & the usual streaming services, it's also in BANDCAMP, GUMROAD, ITCH.IO and is available to download for Patrons on Patreon, so enjoy & thanks for supporting! On a side
note, I will be taking a
break from social media.
I'll post work as usual,
but apparently I've been
grinding my teeth to dust
due to stress, so I'm
cutting out some of those
stressful sources where I
can. So if I miss an "At"
or mention, tweet or post,
I apologize. I kinda need
my teeth though. Not sure
about everyone else, but
the last 2 years have been
a hellish time watching
society divide themselves,
and as angsty as my
content is at times, I
kinda just want people to
get along, be well, and
help each other out.
Delving into the feeds of
society just gives me a
hopeless view of the
world, and no one needs
that right now. So if
you're feeling the same
way. Take a break. Mental
health and all that. :)
September 10th 2021 | ||||
Years of FOAMY!!!! :
Yep, it's
been 20 years of
Foamy! On this day,
September 10th,
2001. The very first
Neurotically Yours
comic was published!
Cartoons soon
followed, 20 years
passed and there ya
go. I generally don't
do a bunch of
celebrating due to the
following day being
Sept 11th, but I don't
want to overlook
everyone who has
supported over the
years. Some for the
full 20! So honestly,
this milestone is more
about Foamy fans, not
about me or Dawn. If
there weren't folks
supporting this, it
would be a lot harder
for Dawn & I to
keep things going.
(Probably impossible.)
So thank you everyone
for the support. Be it
merch, donations,
goodies, or simply
spreading the world,
sharing episodes or
comic strips. Every
bit has helped. And
generally... the best
way for me to thank
people... is to... GET
C'mon! Can't start
slackin' now! |
June 10th 2021 | ||||
Elsewhere! : Since I tend to post news on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, & Patreon, I'll probably slow up posts here as they're fairly redundant. So there ya go. Important stuff will be posted here, but most people just follow on the other platforms. So keep up on the platform of your choice. ALSO! New shirt posted on Amazon & DesignByHumans, So keep up with that as well. |
April 21st 2021 | ||||
NEW "Music"! & Random News : "Pilz-E" made some more music! It's on :: SPOTIFY :: & the usual streaming services, it's also in BANDCAMP, and will be given out to Patrons on Patreon. Enjoy! In other news, I'm still working on both the "Island" series of Foamy & the current "Sketch" series, alternating between the two. The island series is a slow roll so far as I'm still setting up some backstory. Yeah, I could just post a short story of what's happening and why, but I like folks to discover things as the series progresses. (Assuming they stick around that long). Generally a lot of Germaine's character development and issues just got lost along the way during her "Dark Years" back in the day. So I'm probably not gonna make that same mistake, as Sue Z. June is just more stable than Germaine was. New characters will start popping up, like "Bean" in the newly posted episode "Coffee Flavors", and some older characters will show up at some point as well. Hopefully creating an odd little island of misfits with a hint of "what the hell is happening here" - type atmosphere. Foamy for the island series oddly seems to be delving into that Zen of Anger state that's been mentioned for years. He's fairly fed up with humanity and has no interest in saving it, let alone wasting his time spreading his squirrelly logic to those who don't listen. So we'll see how that goes. The current episode I'm working on, he just orders a bunch of pizza... so yeah. Foamy has been neck deep in internet BS for 20 years. He's pretty much seen the cycle repeat weekly and is opting out of the human idiocy, the click bait, the misinformation and everything that comes with the internet of things. Honestly, it's just a lot of unfocused angry people ruining each other's lives and creating drama where there doesn't need to be. So the "Island Series" is an attempt by Foamy to just get away from all that crap, and hopefully help folks see the benefits of stepping away from the whirlwind of toxicity the internet offers. "But What about the rants!?" - There's still the current series of Foamy that addresses a lot of human idiocy. So don't worry too much. Stop stressin'. Listen to some music & ignore the world for a bit. |
March 11th 2021 | ||||
"Music"! : "Pilz-E" got bored and made an odd album of looped based music to chill to? I guess. It's on :: SPOTIFY :: & the usual streaming services, it's also in BANDCAMP, and will be given out to Patrons on Patreon, so enjoy? (Again, don't expect a lot. Just some creative down-time that still creative. Also an actual Foamy Rant collection will be up on Spotify hopefully late March-early April. AND! "Chibi Music for Chibi People", the album that had all that music from the chibi series is also on :: SPOTIFY ::) Podcast on :: SPOTIFY :: for those who don't know about it. |
February 23rd 2021 | ||||
SERIES?! : 2020 was a crap year, but I used that "stay the hell inside" time to create another Foamy series for some reason. Why!? 'Cause frankly. Foamy has zero faith in humanity at this point. For all the rants he's done over the years, pointing out hypocrisy, idiocy and all around lack of common sense, people just kept getting dumber. Like.... scary stupid. While the early episodes were goofy, and Foamy was more of a toxic Eric Cartman (South Park) type, Foamy eventually moved passed his cartoony angst and ventured into a more George Carlin arena of angry logical observations about humanity. With no one really listening to Foamy and people just getting increasingly more irrational and emotionally unstable, Foamy's next logical step, is to just give up on people and keep the hell away from them. Or at the very least, find ones that don't tick him off. So that's part of the angle here with the new series. Foamy is tired of trying to help people with logical observations when no one listens, so he's moved on and tracked down Sue Z. June, who opted out of society a long time ago for the same reasons. I'm not sure how many episodes I'll create, but the series will be more lighthearted in a way. I have a bunch of new characters I want to add, stories I want to work on, and all that. Hopefully consolidating everything I've worked on into one series. So with any luck, 4y-Records will be a part of the series, Dia & Tofu, Pum'Kin Guy & maybe even Minion's Quest. But who knows. I could do 3 episodes, could do 100. It's hard to say, but it'll be fun to see what happens. Thanks for hangin' in there while I fiddle with things. And yes, I'm still working on the current series. And the podcast. And the Twitch streams. And trying to post all the older material in HD on Newgrounds ('Cause it's not "allowed" on YouTube). Oh, and I have to make some merch too. Some new shirts, Mugs & Stickers were added to Amazon & DesignByHumans, so take a look if you like. |
January 1st 2021 | ||||
NEW YEAR! : Screw 2020, it's dead! Get your crap together society! I want 2021 ending with people doing what they used to before 2020 was a thing. Masks! Wash Hands! Stay Inside! Easy things you can do to get us all back to where we need to be. Be well, Stay safe and let's make this year better than the last! |
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