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Connecticut : It's Not ALL Boring :
CT Rollergirls (Roller Derby), Damned CT (Spooky Weird), Connecticon (CT Anime/Comic Convetion), Freight Street Gallery (Indie & Local Artist), Brass City Records, Wild Bills Nostalgia Store, Cutlers (Record Store), Mystic Aquarium (go ahead... pet a shark), Olde Mystick Village (Track down the giant fried dough), Kent CT Coffee & Chocolate Company, Gerosa Records, Legends of Superheros Comic Shop, Cave Comics, Burgerritoville (Get The Chilli Fries), CT Hardcore & Punk (If you live here, you'd be pissed off too), CT Music Scene (Who Knew?), John Zaffis Museum of the Paranormal, P.T. Barnum Museum, Holy Land (Seriously... WTF?), Gillette Castle, Hatebreed (From CT? No Way!), List of Haunted Places in CT, Dumb Laws in CT, CT Scenic (Blog), Nardelli (Awesome Sandwiches, Screw Subway),

Squirrels Resources & Fun On The Web : Scary Squirrel World, Humane Society (Tree Squirrel), Jon's Squirrel World, Jungle Walk (Squirrel Page), Squirrel Place, SQUIRRELS, SQUIRRELS, SQUIRRELS, Killer Squirrels (Older Site), Squirrels In Conn. Squirrel Rehab, Articles About Squirrels, Cali Ground Squirrel Info, Feeding Squirrels Info,

Fans Of Foamy : Fan-Art at (Type in "Foamy the squirrel, or iLL WiLL PrEss" Lots of pics to look through.. post your own too), Foamy's SQuirrelly Wrath on Yahoo, Foamy Fan & Pilz-E TOO, DEVIANTART Fan-Art, FOAMY FAN CLUB Forum, MSN Fan Club, Foamy Cult Community Forum,

Odd B-Movie Goodness : Cinema Insomnia (With MR. LOBO!), Horror Host Magazine, Elvira Mistress of the Dark (She's Still Funny),